Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Resolving Illegal Operation

Resolving Illegal Operation and Invalid Page Fault Errors in Windows 98, Me, and XP.

This document applies to Microsoft Windows 98, Me, and XP.
This document explains how to eliminate illegal operation and invalid page fault error messages. The following examples show types of illegal operation error messages:

  • (Name of software application): This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down

  • Illegal operation caused by (name of the software application) in module unknown

  • An Invalid Page fault occurred in module unknown

    What is an illegal operation error?

    When the processor is unable to perform a task required by a software application, Windows responds by displaying an illegal operation error message. Windows closes the software application or sends the software application an exception error message.
    NOTE:An invalid page fault message normally appears within the text of an illegal operation error message. This document addresses both errors.

    Step 1: Reducing the number of software applications that open with Windows

    The following steps will prevent unwanted software applications from opening when Windows starts:
    1. Click Start and then click Run .
    2. In the Open field, type: msconfig .
    3. Click OK . The System Configuration Utility window appears (Figure 1).
    4. Click the General tab and select Selective Startup .
    5. Remove the checkmarks from Load startup group items and Load static VxDs . Load Static VxDs is not available in Windows 98.
    6. Click OK and then restart the computer.
    7. After the computer has restarted, try using the software application that caused the error to see if the Illegal operation error messages continue.
    8. If the Illegal operation error messages continue, go to Step 2 : Finding the software application. If the Illegal operation error messages are not present, another software application was causing the error. Disable or remove the software application that was causing the error. For more information, refer to HP Notebook PCs - Preventing Programs from Starting When Windows Starts.
      Figure 1: Selective startup options in the System Configuration Utility

    Step 2: Finding the software application that is causing conflicts

    If the computer displays an Illegal operation or Invalid page fault error message, close the software application that is currently in use. Find the conflicting software application by using the following steps:
    1. Create a list of all other software applications that were open when the error message occurred. Use this information in the future to find the software application that is causing the error messages.
    2. Turn the computer off.
    3. Wait one minute and turn the computer on again.
    4. Do not open the first software item on the list. Draw a line through the first software application on the list to note which software application is not open. Software applications that remain open are the software applications that can potentially cause software conflicts.
    5. Open all other software applications on the list.
    6. Open the software application that caused the error message.
    7. If the software application causes an error message again, repeat these steps, opening one less software application each time. Repeat these steps until the software application that is causing the error message is identified.
      NOTE:If closing antivirus software solves the problem, disable the anti-virus software whenever working with the software application that caused the error message. Do not open new software applications, new document and spreadsheets, or use e-mail with the anti-virus software disabled.

    Step 3: Eliminating the errors

    1. Change how the software application is used. For example, if the error occurs when a certain setting in the software application is used, try using a different setting. If the error occurs when printing with a certain printer driver, try setting the print driver so that it prints directly to the printer.
    2. Uninstall, and then reinstall the software application that is causing the errors.
      1. In Windows 95, 98, and Me, click Start, Settings, Control Panel .
        In Windows XP, click Start , and then click Control Panel .
      2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. The Add/Remove Programs window appears.
      3. Select the software application that is causing the lockups and click Add/Remove or click Change/Remove .
      4. Read and respond to windows that open. Click OK or click Yes to windows that open and ask for the removal of a shared file.
      5. Click OK or Close in the Add/Remove Programs window.
      6. Restart the computer.
      7. Reinstall each software application, following the software manufacturer’s instructions.
      8. Open the software applications. If the error message occurs again, continue to the next item.
    3. Check the software manufacturer's Web site for a resolution or a software patch.
    4. Uninstall any software applications that conflict with the software application that caused the error message. If uninstalling the software application is not an acceptable option, close all other software applications while using the software application that caused the error message.


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